
Data & AI


DimensionLab has developed the Siml.ai platform, which performs physical simulations at unprecedented speeds, saving customers significant time and money. With its breakthrough approach to physical simulations through the integration of physics-informed neural networks, DimensionLab is entering key markets where advanced physical simulations are critical, such as bioengineering, engineering, energy, automotive, healthcare, aerospace, manufacturing, space, and research institutions. As an innovative AI engineering platform, DimensionLab is using it to revolutionize the field of physical simulation.

Industry domain

AI and Machine Learning
Open Source





Investment stage and needs

Bootstrapped, looking to raise 2Million Euros to grow the team.


Pitch deck

The X2.0 Acceleration Program


Michal Takac
Co-founder & CEO
Martin Muzelak
Co-founder & VP Eng
Branislav Krsak
Co-founder & BDM
Peter Macinsky
Co-founder & CFO
Maros Pekarik
Senior SW EngineeR

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