Webinar for Impact Builders – 3rd Open Call in HealthTech & BioTech

Date: 2023/07/19

Considering becoming a part of our vibrant Impact Builder’s network? Come and join our X2.0 webinar for Impact Builders. On July, 19th  10:00 a.m CET, we will introduce you the project and explain the reasons for being an Impact Builder.

This webinar will be specifically oriented for 3rd Open Call: HealthTech & BioTech (dates, next steps..) and it is addressed mainly to impact builders (applicants, interested companies/individuals), companies that can provide different startups with services in the area of finance seeking, commercialization, internationalization, legal needs, scientific needs, business development..).

The webinar will be via GoToWebinar and fully given in English by part of the project team.

Here is the agenda:

10:00-10:30 : Introduction to X2.0 Europe and 3rd OC: HealthTech & BioTech key points

10:30-11:00: Questions and AOB

If you couldn’t join us online, take a look at the recording.


Any questions? please write us to info@x2-0.eu or contact us through Twitter or Linkedin.