Tunde Kallai

Manufacturing & Circular Economy
Smart Cities and Sustainability


Tunde Kallai is researcher, project evaluator and senior expert in the field of smart cities/ villages and industries & Circular economy. She holds a MA in Social Sciences and she got certificate from University of Wolverhampton (UK) as European Advisor of Startups (2015). She also became an entrepreneur and company owner in 1992. Moreover, she has been an external project evaluator of the European Commission since 2003 (in FP6,FP7, H2020 and HE etc.). She developed 17 living labs in HU, CH, TR, MT, SN, TN, KSA and all was certified by ENoLL since 2006 in 3 continents. She is mentor of SMEs.

Service Offered

Business development/scaling up
Deeptech/scientific needs

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